
Quote Kesabaran dalam Islam

Makna kesabaran dalam Islam Arti kesabaran dalam Islam Tahapa kesabaran dalam Islam Quote Kesabaran dalam Islam Quote Kesabaran...

10 Quote motivasi terbaik memanfaatkan waktu sebaik-baiknya

Quote waktu Quote waktu Quote waktu Quote waktu Quote waktu Quote waktu Quote waktu Quote waktu ...

Quote pedagang online yang jujur sesuai sunah

Quote pedagang online yang jujur sesuai sunah. Sebelum menjadi Rasul yang dutus Allah, Nabi Muhammad dikenal sebagai pdagang yang jujur. D...

Quote wanita muslimah tangguh dan kuat

Quote wanita muslimah tangguh dan kuat Quote wanita muslimah tangguh dan kuat 

Quote Bunyamin S. paling makjleb kena di ulu hati

Quote Bunyamin S. paling makjleb kena di ulu hati

Tinggalkanlah sesuatu yang meragukanmu kepada sesuatu yang tidak meragukanmu

Tinggalkanlah sesuatu yang meragukanmu kepada sesuatu yang tidak meragukanmu

Panduan dalam merencanakan dan menjanjikan sesuatu

Panduan dalam merencanakan dan menjanjikan sesuatu Kata Mutiara

Gambar Ayat Asyu'ara ayat 3

"Tetapi orang yang bersabar dan memaafkan, sesungguhnya (perbuatan) yang demikian itu termasuk hal-hal yang diutamakan." QS Asy-Sy...

Yang terbaik di antara kalian adalah mereka yang berakhlak paling mulia

Yang terbaik di antara kalian adalah mereka yang berakhlak paling mulia Jauhilah dengki, karena dengki memakan amal kebaikan sebagaiman...

Whoever truly trusts Allāh in attaining something, he attains it.”

Whoever truly trusts Allāh in attaining something, he attains it.”

Beware of being careless toward He who grants you life and allows you to breathe as well as providing you with everything, which you need

Beware of being careless toward He who grants you life and allows you to breathe as well as providing you with everything, which you need ...

There’s nothing more beloved to Shayṭān than a depressed believer

❝There’s nothing more beloved to Shayṭān than a depressed believer.❞

Making mention of His (Allaah's) name repels and expels the Shaytaan, and (is a reason) for blessings to be obtained

"Making mention of His (Allaah's) name repels and expels the Shaytaan, and (is a reason) for blessings to be obtained."

Whoever is arrogant against submitting to the truth; Allāh will humiliate him, degrade him, belittle him and make him lowly

Whoever is arrogant against submitting to the truth; Allāh will humiliate him, degrade him, belittle him and make him lowly

Tawhīd opens the door of good, happiness, pleasure, joy, and cheerfulness for a servant

Tawhīd opens the door of good, happiness, pleasure, joy, and cheerfulness for a servant

No one fears hypocrisy but a believer, and no one feels safe from hypocrisy but a hypocrite.

No one fears hypocrisy but a believer, and no one feels safe from hypocrisy but a hypocrite.

Sins have many side-effects. One of them is that they steal knowledge from you

Sins have many side-effects. One of them is that they steal knowledge from you

A disbeliever maybe strong and healthy but his heart is the sickest.

A disbeliever maybe strong and healthy but his heart is the sickest.

As long as you pray, you knock on the door of Allah. And whoever knocks at the door of Allah, He will open it for him

As long as you pray, you knock on the door of Allah. And whoever knocks at the door of Allah, He will open it for him

A man is the one who fears the death of his heart, not his body

A man is the one who fears the death of his heart, not his body